Juicy chicken breast

Product suggestion

Butterfly breast





50 grams of dried mushroom

3 chicken breast fillets

Salt to taste

Spicy paprika to taste

Black pepper to taste

Olive oil to taste

30 grams of dried tomatoes

1 onion

3 cloves of garlic

200 ml coconut milk

Fresh basil to taste


1) Clean the mushroom well and place it in a bowl with water to hydrate it.

2) On a plate, place the chicken and season with salt, paprika and pepper.

3) In an oven-safe frying pan, add a drizzle of olive oil and brown the chicken breasts for three minutes on each side.

4) Remove from the frying pan and set aside.

5) Drain the mushrooms, cut into strips and do the same with the dried tomatoes.

6) In the frying pan, add a little more olive oil and sauté the onion with the whole garlic to flavor it.

7) Add the funghi, let it sauté for three minutes.

8) Add the sun-dried tomatoes and season with a little salt and pepper.

9) Add the coconut milk, mix well and add the funghi water.

10) Return the chicken to the frying pan and place in the preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.

11) Serve with basil and enjoy.